Five Things You Can Do!

World Eating Disorders Day

Real Recovery & Hope and Science4ED

Annually every June 2 around the world has been proclaimed World Eating Disorders Action Day. This year is no different!   World Eating Disorders Action Day was founded in 2015 by a handful of advocates who wanted to bring together global citizens in the fight against eating disorders.   To date, in additional to 1000s of activists, affected people and families, over 270 organizations in over 50 countries have aligned for this global campaign for awareness and change!


Eating Disorders know NO boundaries and affect all genders, cultures, sexual orientations, ages, socioeconomic class, abilities, races, ethnic backgrounds.  BIPOC and LGBTQi people tend to have the most challenges accessing appropriate services, and are under represented at the policy table. We need to change that! As well  Eating Disorders have the HIGHEST Mortality rates of any mental health issue (after opioid overdose).  Yet they attract a FRACTION of research and program dollars! Early intervention is the best action we can take….because EATING DISORDERS CAN’T AFFORD TO WAIT! And neither can we! #REALRECOVERY&HOPE #SCIENCE4ED

This year our focus is on a global social media campaign to demand #RealRecovery&Hope and Science4ED, through local and global socially distanced or online events across the globe and ADVOCACY to enhance provider training for addressing Eating Disorders.


  1.  #RealRecovery&Hope #Science4ED

From Cape Town to Cairo, from Alaska to Cape Horn, from the Far North in Russia, to Southern India – all cultures and countries are affected by eating disorders. Tell your story on any of the World ED Day platforms, talk to a trusted friend, family member or professional – spread the word that healing is possible. Light up a national landmark, or create a custom social media post sharing what this day of Action means to you. #realrecovery&hope #science4ed

2. Follow the Conversation

Use the hashtags #WorldEDDay2024 #RealRecovery&Hope #Science4ED #WeDoActNow2024

Share, Like, Re-Post, Re-tweet the blogs, photos and posts to all your friends!

Keep using #RealRecovery&Hope on June 2!  Join in the fun! 

3. Host or Attend a local event. Local events are held across the world. Check our website here to find one near you. Can’t find one?  Host one yourself!  Have a seminar, discussion session, radio show or light up something purple.  The sky is the limit! 

4. Donate to an Eating Disorder Organization 

Consider donating to a local Eating Disorder organization or research center to support their work.  A list of the organizations that have signed on to the patient-centered Participation Organization Principles can be found HERE. They could all use your help!

5. Discuss Eating Disorders – and Contact your Member of Parliament, Senator, Congressperson!!

Take a look at the NINE Truths, 10 Actions and the June 2 messages to learn more.  Talk about eating disorders with friends, family, at work or school.  Open dialogue creates change!  One critical way to make change is to ask your elected representatives to increase funding for eating disorders treatment and research. Make sure you demand #EvidenceBasedTreatment, that is based in science and has proven successful outcomes! Good luck!

#RealRecovery&Hope #Science4ED #WorldEDday2023  #WeDoActNOW2024